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Thousands of horrified TikTokers shared their reactions to the drain clog in the comments. Finally, the Rat King-esque clump comes loose from the drain, and Shawn slowly lifts it up and out. But eventually, it's apparent that what was clogging his daughter's bathtub drain wasn't an animal, nor a character from 'The Grudge,' but a giant mass of hair. At first, it's not quite clear what Shawn has unearthed as he winds the wet, black clump around his bare hand. After getting a decent grip on the mysterious clog, Shawn begins to pull - and pull. In the video, captioned, 'I can't believe she let it get this bad!!!,' Shawn is wrist-deep in bathtub water struggling with something lurking inside the drain. Dad and TikToker Shawn Weiss gained over two million views and nearly 7,000 comments when he posted the icky footage online. A teenage girl complained to her father that her bathtub was taking a long time to drain - and what he discovered is going viral!.

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